
bunyawee: 一只站在树上的鸟儿,从来不会害怕树枝断裂,因为它相信的不是树枝,而是它自己的翅膀。与其每天担心未来,不如努力现在。成功的路上只有奋斗才能给你最大的安全感。—— 曦月。录
2014-10-9 09:59
shenjingbing: 人有两种,,一种是不管你说什么都不会反对或者赞同,另外一种就是不管你提出什么东西都要给你唱反调,挑刺的!不知道是那种有用
2014-10-8 22:25
0805: Tears clean the face of the weak but refresh the strong
  • 行走在路上: I hope you can be a sunshine girl in all of your life . (1-3 23:04)
  • 0805: thank  you (1-3 23:27)
2014-10-7 10:35
0805: Never let yourself love someone more than yourself. Because you will ended up getting hurt!!
2014-10-7 10:10
0805: If the worst that can happen is someone saying, “no”, it’s worth a try
2014-10-7 10:06
0805: Sad we have to learn to write in the diary, and then a fire burned.Happy every day turned out to show off!!!
2014-10-7 10:03
王汐妍妞妞儿: 朋友 不计数量 只看质量!
2014-10-5 23:35
王汐妍妞妞儿: 认错认怂不认输!
2014-10-5 23:34
王汐妍妞妞儿: 吃喝玩乐那叫货 同甘共苦那叫妻
2014-10-5 23:34
你好,明天: 明天会更好
2014-10-5 18:29
NONO: 奇迹总是发生在不经意之间……
2014-10-3 13:27
2014-9-30 09:31
胖丫头: 这天气,开始热得我跑去超市买了一堆冰淇淋回家,开吃时下雨了。
2014-9-29 15:51
0805: A  girl  should  be  like  a  butterfly  、Pretty   to  see  、hard  to   catch、、、
2014-9-28 13:51
彬师: 累了
2014-9-28 10:13
忆惜仁: 鸿发家私全新活动全面开启! 活动一:逢1,逢6低价抢购,惊喜无限! 自即日起至12月31日,只要日期里含有1或6.每天至少必有一款沙发和套房超低价抢购。抢到就是赚到!例如:每月1号,6号,11号,16号,21号26号,3 ...
2014-9-28 09:42
云儿2014: 不管开心还是难过,我会一直陪着你~~
2014-9-27 17:21
0805: Don't try to force someone to stay in your life. If they want to go, let them go
2014-9-25 15:02
0805: Maybe the fault does not lie in the way but in the choice.And there is nothing wrong in love,but in destiny
2014-9-25 14:46
0805: I smile, but it doesn’t mean everything is OK
2014-9-25 14:37